We Can Help
For life support users living at home, power outages can trigger a life and death race against time.
Today, Power Outage Partners is working to provide life-saving power to life support patients living at home so they can breathe a little easier the next time the power goes out.
Power Outage Partners is an innovative new initiative that provides life support patients with funding so they can purchase additional battery capacity to extend device run time, affording more time to safely evacuate. In short duration outages, the need to evacuate may be averted.
The inaugural Power Outage Partners initiative was launched as a pilot in Louisiana, a state that has seen more than its share of natural disasters. Power Outage Partners stands ready to help other jurisdictions boost power outage support for life support users. Click here to access the ASTHO Toolkit and other resources to help your jurisdiction step up power outage assistance for life support users.